
🤖 Smart contracts built on top of Morpho Protocol to enable one-click leverage and strategies

Primary LanguageSolidityThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Get out of the Matrix and Leverage your positions using Morpho.

Github Actions


Install eth_abi:

# This is needed in order to run the test. Foundry calls a python script for some test to retrieve Paraswap API calls.
pip install eth_abi

Install Foundry:

# This will install Foundryup
curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash
# Then Run

Install Dependencies:

forge install


forge build


make test

How it works ?

Morphous gives back the power of flash loans to the people. Each user can access a variety of ways to leverage its position and maximise its rewards.

graph TD
	DSProxy --> delegateCall
	delegateCall --> Neo
	Neo --> Morpheus
	delegateCall --> Morpheus
    Morpheus --> Morpho
    Morpheus --> Exchanges

Three main components

  • Neo: Flashloan router. DSProxy delegatecall to this contract in order to take a floashloan.
  • FL: Flashloan Recipient. Transfers the flashloaned tokens to DSProxy and execute through Morpheus actions.
  • Morpheus: Main router that enables to uses Morpho and Aggregators like Paraswap/1nch through DSProxy.