
ASP.NET CLI / Project Generator

Primary LanguageC#


Mandycan is an ASP.NET Core project generator. It's goal is to minimize writing boilerplate code so that you can get to work faster.

How do I use it?

MAKE SURE YOU git clone the repository.

If you're on windows run windows.bat If you're on Ubuntu/Linux run ./ubuntu.sh If you're on Mac run ./mac.sh

This will build an OS-specific executable in: bin/Release/netcoreapp2.0/yourOS-x64

cd into this folder and allow execution permission if you're on Mac or Linux: chmod +x mandycan

Type pwd on Mac/Linux or chdir on Windows. Copy the directory it outputs.

Windows Setup:

  • Press the windows key.
  • Type env and press enter.
  • Goto "Environment Variables..."
  • Goto "Path" and "New".
  • Paste the output you previously copied.
  • Press Ok on all the checkboxes.
  • Open a NEW cmd prompt and type mandycan new yourAppNameHere

Linux Setup:

  • type cd into a terminal and press enter. You're now in your home folder for the current user account.
  • Open your .bashrc file. Its located in the folder you're currently in.
  • Add this line and edit it to reflect where you've installed mandycan: alias mandycan="/Users/yourName/mandycan/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.0/ubuntu.16.10-x64/mandycan"
  • Save and close .bashrc followed by this command: source .bashrc
  • Open a new terminal and type mandycan new yourAppNameHere

Mac Setup:

  • Same as Linux, except edit .bash_profile instead of .bashrc

Isnt this the same thing as CandyMan?

Yes and No. It emulates the same structure that candyman does, but is written in C# and will soon offer you the ability to create controllers, models, views and more as opposed to just generating a project.


Currently, Mandycan features generating a Full MVC project via:

mandycan new yourProjectName

To use the below commands, ensure you've already created a project via mandycan new yourProjectName and that you've cd'd into this folder.

  • mandycan mvc User - Generates a Model, View and Controller all at once.
  • mandycan model Animal - Generates a basic Model, with commonly used annotations.
  • mandycan controller Product - Generates a basic controller.