NOTE: Forked from github_webhooks as I needed to access more things:
- query params from incoming webhooks for identification
to handle long running webhook actions.
Simple and lightweight micro framework for quick integration with GitHub
It's based on FastAPI and pydantic, nothing more!
Async and mypy friendly.
Just add github-webhooks-framework2
pip install github-webhooks-framework2
poetry add github-webhooks-framework2
Create file
and copy next code:
import uvicorn
from pydantic import BaseModel
from github_webhooks import create_app
from github_webhooks.schemas import WebhookCommonPayload
# WebhookCommonPayload is based on pydantic.BaseModel
class PullRequestPayload(WebhookCommonPayload):
class Pull(BaseModel):
title: str
url: str
action: str
pull_request: Pull
# Initialize Webhook App
app = create_app()
# Register webhook handler:
# `pull_request` - name of an event to handle
# `PullRequestPayload` - webhook payload will be parsed into this model
@app.hooks.register('pull_request', PullRequestPayload)
async def handler(payload: PullRequestPayload) -> None:
print(f'New pull request {payload.pull_request.title}')
print(f' link: {payload.pull_request.url}')
print(f' author: {payload.sender.login}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# start uvicorn server
We start by defining payload Model to parse incoming Pull Request Body.
class PullRequestPayload(WebhookCommonPayload):
class Pull(BaseModel):
title: str
url: str
action: str
pull_request: Pull
In this example we only want to get action
, pull_request.title
and pull_request.url
from payload.
By subclassing WebhookCommonPayload
model will automatically get sender
, repository
and organization
Next - we are creating ASGI app (based on FastAPI app)
app = create_app()
Optionally we can provide here secret_token
Github Webhook secret
app = create_app(secret_token='super-secret-token')
And time to define our handler
@app.hooks.register('pull_request', PullRequestPayload)
async def handler(payload: PullRequestPayload) -> None:
print(f'New pull request {payload.pull_request.title}')
print(f' link: {payload.pull_request.url}')
print(f' author: {payload.sender.login}')
We are using here @app.hooks.register
deco, which accepts 2 arguments:
event: str
- name of webhook eventpayload_cls: pydantic.BaseModel
- pydantic model class to parse request, subclassed frompydantic.BaseModel
And our handler function can include the following params:
async def handler(payload: PullRequestPayload, headers: WebhookHeaders, query_params: QueryParams, background_tasks: BackgroundTasks) -> Optional[str]:
# `headers` will be WebhookHeaders model with Github Webhook headers parsed.
When not in need of any of the named params simply take them as **_: Any
as not used:
async def handler(payload: PullRequestPayload, **_: Any) -> Optional[str]:
An example setup can be found in example/
- Install local venv:
python -m venv .venv
- Activate:
. .venv/bin/activate
- Install deps with
pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-test.txt
- When done with packages: