npm install
npm run start:misp
Instance will be running at: https://localhost
- Email: admin@admin.test
- Password: admin
copy the template.env file to .env and replace the PUBLIC_MISP_KEY with your key
- search for Security.allow_cors and set to true. See: MISP/MISP#4157
- also search for Security.cors_origins and set to * for testing purposes
currently MISP has no api endpoint for /users/me => so we can not get the current user id, settings or role. The Api should update this. For now we have a workaround in api/users/me that will get the userId from the auth_keys and load the userData with admin privileges.
Therefore you can update the PUBLIC_MISP_KEY to one with lower permissions but you have to set the SECRET_MISP_KEY_ADMIN to the key with full permissions.
For testing with admin permissions just set both vars to the key generated in the previous step.
npm run start:misp
- Email: admin@admin.test
- Password: admin
npm run dev
the frontend will run at: http://localhost:5173/
npm run test:unit
npm run test:open
npm run test:open
npm run story:dev
npm run story:build