
Detecting malicious actions on a network with the use of artificial intelligence is called intelligent monitoring. To be more precise a number of standard attack techniques can be detected by collecting various information from the network.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Graph based modeling for intelligent monitoring.


Detecting malicious actions on a network with the use of artificial intelligence is called intelligent monitoring. To be more precise a number of standard attack techniques can be detected by collecting various information from the network.

Tabular data or "excel-like" data is the typical form datasets are stored in. Graph data is a different form and consists of a number of nodes that are connected through each other with edges. A simple example of a graph dataset is shown in the figure below. A social network such a facebook can keep track of friend connections and interests of different people through a graph.

graph social network

Graph data and the algorithms designed for this form of data has grown into a sub-domain of AI called graph neural networks. A very clear and visual introduction of graphs can be find here: gentle introduction to graphs

In a similar fashion a graph can be constructed to contain information from a computer network to be able to detect malicious connections. The jupyter notebooks and scripts go through the example of converting an open-source dataset to graphs and applying a graph neural network.


There are two scripts provided to preprocess the data and train a graph neural network returning an evaluation report. To run the scripts with the default options run the scripts preprocess.py and train_graph.py from terminal.

To show all the arguments of a script you can run from terminal:

python preprocess.py -h

For example to run the preprocessing script to make a test set with 40% of the data.

python preprocess.py --test-size 0.4


There are multiple notebooks provided to preprocess data, train a graph neural network and visualizing the graph. These notebook go more in-depth of the specifics of the code.


There are multiple scenario's available in the dataset which can be visualized in a graph also see visualize.py. A pingscan is an exploratory technique used to map the network. This can be done for example from a compromised laptop device inside the network. In the visualization this can be recognized as a single device making a lot of different malicious connections (shown by a red exlamation mark) to different devices.

Ping scan scenario

install instructions

Install the basic libraries through pip

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install the pytorch and pytorch geometric libraries in order. Depending on your hardware setup and OS this can be quite different.

# pytorch installation see https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/
# example for ubuntu with cuda 11.6 using pip below
pip install torch --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu116

# pytorch geometric installation see https://pytorch-geometric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/notes/installation.html
# example for ubuntu with cuda 11.6 and torch 11.3 using pip below
pip install pyg-lib torch-scatter torch-sparse torch-cluster torch-spline-conv torch-geometric -f https://data.pyg.org/whl/torch-1.13.0+cu116.html
```# IntelliMap-Graph-Based-Monitoring
# IntelliMap-Graph-Based-Monitoring
# IntelliMap-Graph-Based-Monitoring