
Tools for finding differences between existing and imported sets of data and then applying those differences.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



Tools for importing data, particularly when using mortar_mixins.

Install from PyPI with pip.


Get a clone of the git repo and then do the following:

virtualenv .
bin/pip install -e .[build,test]

sudo -u postgres psql -d postgres -c "create user testuser with password 'testpassword';"
sudo -u postgres createdb -O testuser testdb
sudo -u postgres psql -d testdb -c "CREATE EXTENSION btree_gist;"

export DB_URL=postgres://testuser:testpassword@localhost:5432/testdb
bin/pytest --cov


To make a release, just update the version in setup.py and push to https://github.com/Mortar/mortar_import and Carthorse should take care of the rest.