after make main and app .jsx following these code:

✅1.make component folder .make Navbar.jsx inside component, .make fucntoin inside it and export it, .import Navbar as NavbarBs and button from 'react-bootstrap', return these code( <NavbarBs.Collapse> ُShopping cart </NavbarBs.Collapse> ),

✅2. inside App.jsx following these code :

.import your Navbar file and return it expect your static h2 el,
.import Container from 'react-bootstrap',
.replace your div with Container,

✅3. continue inside Navbar: .get these className to your code( .Navbarbs.className'border-button border-secondary', .NavbarBs.collapse.className'justify-content-end', .Button.variant'btn btn-outline-secondary', .Button.className'text-white', )

✅4. inside index.css file: .get some style to body( background-color: #111111, color: #fafafa )

✅5. install react-icons in command line .import bsCard from 'react-icon-bs', .use in your button and get a classes 'mx-2', .make fonts folder in public folder and make style.css inside it, .inside style.css write define a @font-face{font-family and src}, .inside index.html make link and get style,

✅6. install react-router-dom in command line, .make pages folder inside src, .make Shop.jsx inside pages folder. .Shop.jsx temperory retunr h2 'shopping cart' and export it as default, .inside main.jsx import BrowserRouter from 'react-router-dom', .nested your app component inside BrowserRouter in main.jsx, .inside app.jsx import Routes and Route from 'react-router-dom', .indide app.jsx return nested Routes insided Route, .inside Route make variables index and elements, .import Shop component inside app.jsx, and get Shop to elements insdie Router,

✅7. inside Shop.jsx .import Row and Col form 'react-bootstrap', .expect your h2 return Row with xs={1} and md={4}(we use these varibales for grid and responsivie) and className'g-4',(search about these classes inside react-bootstrap), .inside Row return Col with align'center', .inside Col make h3 el temperory with text 'Product', .copy Row four times inside Col, .why your page dont have hr bollow your button,ans fix it,

✅8.make data folder name data inside src. .make items.js file inside data folder, .items file should contineu these code for four times( const productList = [ { id: 1, title: product, price: 99, image: 'image/product.jpg' } ] ), .inside public folder make images folder, .make func name getProductData(id) and return variable name productData, .in productData use find method that find each data wiht id, .export productList and productData ,

✅9. add a temperory picture to your images folder. .change the address of your image in data, .make productItem.jsx inside component folder, .inside productItem import Card and Button form 'raect-bootstrap', .following thise code in return ProductItem function{


<Card.img variant='top' src={prop.image} height='200px' styel={{objectFit: 'cover' }}/>

<Card.Title align='right' className='text-right pt-4'

{prop.title} </Card.Title>

<Card.Text align='right' className='text-light' > {prop.price} </Card.Text>


<Button variant='btn btn-outline-secondary' className='white'

Shopping Cart

}, .set prop for your fucn and give value to each items, .make classes in index.css( .card-bg{ background-color: #1a1c1e; } )

✅10. import ProductItem.jsx to shop.jsx, .import productList form items.js in shop.jsx, .expect your Col tag write map method to productList(check this what is exactly), .inside map following these code:(

), .get item from map to a props in productList name product, .set key to each Col (use props and id), .check your App, .in Navbar extract Modal from 'react-bootstrap', .use useState for showModal 'false', .make function handleShow and handleClose to handle showModal, .set handleShow to button, .return Modal after NavbarBs with show to showModal and onHide to handleClose, .set contentClassName to card-bg and dir to rtl,(search about these), .inside Modal following these code:( Shopping Cart Product ),

✅11. make context folder in src, .make CardContext.jsx in context folder, .import createContext from 'react', inside createContext make object and following these code( items: [], getProductQuantity: () => {}, addItemToCard: () => {}, removeItemFromCard: () => {}, deleteFromCard: () => {}, getTotalAmount: () => {}, ), .defiene your context inside constant CardContext and export it, .make function CardProvider following these code( fucntion CardProvider({children}) { const ContextValue = { items: [], getProductQuantity, addItemToCard, removeItemFromCard, deleteFromCard, getTotalAmount, } } ) .return <CardContext.Provider with value ContextValue> amount {children} </CardContext.Provider>, .export function CardProvider(export func before it),

✅12. inside CardProvider make useState, .make cardProduct from useState with inicial value [], .set value of items inside ContextValue to cardProduct,

✅13.inside CardContext.jsx .inside CardProvider develpe the getProductQuantity, .make func getProductQuantity wiht property 'id', .inside functoin( use find method on cardProduct and tell reutrn item(from call back function).id === id , then we want quantity of each product, and assign it to a constans name quantity, ) .after quantity (inside getproductQuantity) write if quantity === undefined return 0 otherwise return quantity,

✅14. make addItemToCard with property 'id', .call the getProductQuantity with property 'id' and assign it to a varibale name quantity, .if quantity === 0 you should update setCartProduct, for update setCartProduct( .inside [use sparate on cartProduct, {id : id, quantity : 1}] ) else { .use map on cartProduct with property item, .tell us if === id ? {sperate item, quantity : quantity + 1 : item} }

✅15. handle deleteFromCart , ✅16. handle removeItemFromCart , ✅16. handle getTotalAmount , .make variable totalAmount = 0, .use map inside cartPruduct, .in CartContext.jsx import amount getProductData, .make constans productData to getProductData(, .after that product.price * itme.quantity, make variable totalAmount and assign it to this,

✅17. continue inside app.jsx, .import amount of CartProvider from CartContext, .nested all item inside CartProvider, .inside ProductItem.jsx import useContext from 'react', .import CartContext from CartContext, .inside ProductItem fucntion use useContext and give it for arguman CartContext, .assign variable to 'cart' constans, .make onClick evenet to button at the end of page, give it cart.addItemToCart for call back fucn,give it for arguman,

✅18. inside ProductItem fucn : .from cart get the getProductQuantity and give for argument( and then assign it to a variable, .expect your button following these code( { productQuantity > 0 ? (<>

</>) : (<><Button onClick={() => cart.addItemToCard(} variant='btn btn-outline-secondary' className='white m-3'> Add to Shopping Cart </> } ) .import Form, Row and col from 'react-bootstrap', .expect your test div following these code( <From.Label column={true} sm='6' className='text-white' > Amount: {productQuantity} </From.Label> + - ) .nested two button inside .make ananimous onClick for button + ( onClick={() => cart.addItemToCart(} ) .do it same for button -, but use the removeItemFromCart expect addItemToCart,

✅19. handle button to delete from cart,

✅20. add amount of each product in navbar, .in Navbar.jsx use your Context data, .after assign your data to cart, use the reduce method on cart.item, get the sum of each quantity of product and assign it to a variable name 'productCount', .behind the button of shopping cart add the (productCount),

✅21. handle the modal, .make CartProduct in Component, .inside func make three p tag for title, count and price, .after that make Button'Remove' form bootstrap, .import amount of getProductData form CartContext, .assign getProductData to productData with id for argument, extract {id} from CartProduct func, .expect title => ProductData.title .expect amount => Quantity .expect price => Quantity * ProductData.price .import useContext and stuff, .handel event on Button to delete from cart, .write Amount for Quantity .write Price for Quantity * Price .write delete for Button, .for your button: .size: sm .className: mb-5 text-white .variant: btn btn-outline-secondary,

✅22. use the CartProduct in Modal in navbar, .import CartProduct in navbar.jsx, .in Modal.Body expect 'Product' following these: .{if ProductCount > 0 do this ?} { => ( )) } .otherwise do thise{

shopping cart is empty

} .delete exit button and the text shopping cart from modal and add a button at the end of page,