
Source code for Learn Locally Correct Globally

Primary LanguagePython

Distributed Graph Neural Network Learning

Install Metis

download and extract metis:

gunzip metis-5.x.y.tar.gz
tar -xvf metis-5.x.y.tar

if you don't have root access, compile metis with prefix

make config prefix=<lib-folder>

Build PyTorch Sparse

make Pytorch Sparse with metis support:

cd pytorch_sparse
export CPATH=/export/local/mfr5226/lib/metis/include/:/usr/local/cuda/include/:$CPATH 
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/export/local/mfr5226/lib/metis/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 
WITH_METIS=1 LDFLAGS='-L/export/local/mfr5226/lib/metis/lib/' python setup.py build -j 10
python setup.py install

If you have metis in regular location, just compile with: WITH_METIS=1 python setup.py install -j 10