
Minimalist Traefik 2 Configuration, ready for Let's Encrypt and http to https redirection

Traefik Minimalist Configuration

In this repository, I provide a very simple configuration of Traefik 2 that I use for most of my services, including my blog https://holory.fr

Warning, understand that with this configuration, you will have the Traefik dashboard accessible in http on the address: http://yourdomain.com:8080. This dashboard should not be accessible in a production environment and you must disable it once your functional tests are completed.

If you want to disable the dashboard, just delete line 10 of the docker-compose.yml :

- "8080:8080"

And also delete all the configuration related to the api in the traefik.toml file (lines 30 to 32 included) :

  dashboard = true
  insecure = true

Finally, all you have to do is execute the command below on the acme.json file to have read and write permission :

chmod 600 acme.json

AND edit line 25 of traefik.toml :

email = "change_this@your_email.com"

Once all your files are configured, place yourself in the root of the configuration directory and start the Traefik container with:

docker-compose up -d