Simulate the formation of three-dimensional packings of spherical and non-spherical (regular and irregular) particles with prescribed size distributions.
- 00alia00Vancouver, Canada
- abhishekdbihaniTignis
- adrianoplsUENF/LENEP
- akkendrickStanford University
- alerad
- baipgydx729meituan
- baoer1998
- BinWang0213China University of Petroleum - Beijing
- bzw133
- czy820204
- fredrocks
- hssharadgaUniversity of Texas at Austin
- jackgoodman2
- je-santos
- jgostickUniversity of Waterloo
- kubabuda
- lawlietwangshanghai
- mcn198912
- MonkeyLever
- neumannrfIBM Research
- omaralamoudiAustin, TX
- PanxoPanzaChile
- quang-ha
- roliveira@Equinor
- rotcx
- rpshi
- ryskchyTokyo, Japan
- shirongpei
- summmms
- tng2903Vietnam
- tumugenshuhongkong
- vincentFrancais
- weyzhang
- wpunkai
- YonggenZhang
- ZhouChuanyouChengdu University of Technology