
Render JPEG image from ADOBE(R) Flash animation (SWF).

Primary LanguageC++

Flash to JPEG
  Copyright 2009, Toshiyuki Suzumura. under GPL license.

  "flashtojpeg" is console utility, it render JPEG from Flash-anmination (SWF).

  You can specify:
  * Rendering frame by sec.
  * Quality of JPEG compression.
  * Write JPEG stream to "file" or "stdout".
    "stdout" is useful to use with image prosessor, e.g. "ImageMagick".

How to build:
  This program is depend on following library and packages:
  * libfad - "Flash Animation Decode library"
  * cairo-devel
  * SDL-devel
  * libjpeg-devel

  First, you must install these library and packages.
    $ make
    $ make install
  It install into "/usr/local/bin" by default.

How to use:
  See "flashtojpeg -h" for command-line options.

  $ flashtojpeg foo.swf bar.jpg
  => Render "bar.jpg" from "foo.swf", frame at 0sec(first), JPEG quality is 100(BEST).

  $ flashtojpeg foo.swf -q 50 -t 10 bar.jpg
  => Render "bar.jpg" from "foo.swf", frame at 10 sec, JPEG quality is 50.

  $ flashtojpeg foo.swf
  => Print "foo.swf" information that image width(px), height(px) and frame rate.

  $ flashtojpeg foo.swf -- | convert - -resize "200x200>" thumb.jpg
  => Write JPEG stream to stdout, and resize with ImageMagick.