
A demo for playing M3U8 by AVPlayer in Swift.

Primary LanguageSwift


A demo for playing M3U8 by AVPlayer in Swift.
Streaming demo for reading url from M3U8 string.


If you want to access http(without s) url,
make sure you have set "App Transport Security Settings" and "Allow Arbitrary Loads" to "YES".

What we do?

Here we set M3U8 url to AVPlayer.
Use play() / pause() to set player.
AVPlayer does not have "stop", just to pause it and set it to nil.

Get duration for video

We get total duration by


And get current playing time by

videoPlayer?.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: CMTime(seconds: Double(1), preferredTimescale: 2), queue: DispatchQueue.main), using: {})