Quran Kareem App (Offline)

This is a mobile application for reading the Holy Quran offline.


  • Access the full Quran text without an internet connection.
  • Navigate through Surah (chapters) and verses easily.


Screenshot Description
Splash Screen Splash Screen (Alt text: App launch screen)
Index Screen Index Screen (Alt text: App home screen)
Navigation Drawer Navigation Drawer (Alt text: Menu for accessing app features)
Surah List Screen Surah List Screen (Alt text: List of Quran chapters)
Full Surah View Full Surah View (Alt text: View of a single Quran chapter)
Quran Settings Quran Settings (Alt text: Settings screen for the Quran app)

Packages Used:

  • Shared Preferences
  • Arabic Numbers
  • Scrollable Positioned List
  • Share Plus
  • Url Launcher
  • Go Router
  • Audio Players (Specify which audio player if applicable)

Feel free to contribute to this project!