Rick and Morty App

This Flutter application showcases characters from the popular animated series Rick and Morty. It utilizes various packages to deliver a rich and interactive user experience.

Key Features:

Character Listing:

The home screen displays a comprehensive list of characters, fetched from the Rick and Morty API.

Character Details:

Upon tapping a character, a detailed view appears, presenting comprehensive information about the selected character. Hero Widget ensures a smooth transition between screens.

Search Functionality:

An integrated search bar allows users to filter characters by name, enabling quick and easy navigation.

Splash Screen:

A visually appealing splash screen greets users upon app launch.

App Icon:

A custom app icon enhances the overall branding and user experience.


State Management:

flutter_bloc, bloc

Web Services:


App Icon:


Splash Screen:


Offline Support:


Adaptive Screen:




Lottie Animations:


Additional Features:

Information Screen:

A dedicated screen provides users with brief app information.


This application is actively under development, with continuous improvements and new features being added.

Future Enhancements:

Character Favoriting:

Users should be able to favorite characters for easy access.

Episode Listing:

Integration of episode information is planned.

Character Quotes:

Displaying memorable quotes from each character is in the pipeline.