
GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Moselwal Digitalagentur Build Tools

Table of Content



Welcome to the Moselwal Digitalagentur Build Tools repository. This project provides a set of GitLab CI/CD components designed to streamline and automate the build process for PHP-based projects. The build tools are designed to be flexible, with configurable inputs to tailor the CI/CD pipeline to your specific needs.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.


Component: build:extension:backend

This job is responsible for setting up the backend for extension during the build stage.


Input Description Example Default Value
stage (Optional) The stage in the CI/CD pipeline where this job will run. test build
rules-config (Optional) Configuration rules that determine when the job should run. See below for default rules See below for default rules
image-config (Optional) The Docker image to use for the job. This should use semantic versioning. registry.example.com/php/7.4/ci:latest registry.moselwal.io/devops/images/php/$PHP_VERSION/ci:latest
tags-config (Optional) Tags used to select specific runners to execute the job. docker, linux - docker
additional-script-begin (Optional) Add additional script at the beginning of the script. echo "Start" ''
additional-script-end (Optional) Add additional script at the end of the script. echo "End" ''
Default rules-config
  when: never
- if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME != 'release'
- if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == 'release'
  when: never
  • Stage: $[[ inputs.stage ]]
  • Needs: ["build:prepare"]
  • Rules: $[[ inputs.rules-config ]]
  • Image: $[[ inputs.image-config | expand_vars ]]
  • Tags: $[[ inputs.tags-config ]]


  • Untracked: true
  • When: always
  • Expire In: 60 minutes

Component: build:extension:frontend

This job is responsible for setting up the frontend for extension during the build stage.


Input Description Example Default Value
stage (Optional) The stage in the CI/CD pipeline where this job will run. test build
rules-config (Optional) Configuration rules that determine when the job should run. See below for default rules See below for default rules
image-config (Optional) The Docker image to use for the job. This should use semantic versioning. registry.example.com/php/7.4/ci:latest ${CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_GROUP_IMAGE_PREFIX}/node:$NODE_VERSION-alpine3.19
tags-config (Optional) Tags used to select specific runners to execute the job. docker, linux - docker
additional-script-begin (Optional) Add additional script at the beginning of the script. echo "Start" ''
additional-script-end (Optional) Add additional script at the end of the script. echo "End" ''
Default rules-config
  when: never
- if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME != 'release'
- if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == 'release'
  when: never
  • Stage: $[[ inputs.stage ]]
  • Needs: ["build:prepare"]
  • Rules: $[[ inputs.rules-config ]]
  • Image: $[[ inputs.image-config | expand_vars ]]
  • Tags: $[[ inputs.tags-config ]]
  • Allow Failure: true


  • Untracked: true
  • Exclude: ./Build/node_modules/*
  • When: always
  • Expire In: 60 minutes


This job is responsible for preparing the environment and gathering necessary information for the build process during the build stage.


Input Description Example Default Value
stage (Optional) The stage in the CI/CD pipeline where this job will run. test build
rules-config (Optional) Configuration rules that determine when the job should run. See below for default rules See below for default rules
image-config (Optional) The Docker image to use for the job. This should use semantic versioning. registry.example.com/bash:5-alpine3.19 ${CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_GROUP_IMAGE_PREFIX}/bash:5-alpine3.19
tags-config (Optional) Tags used to select specific runners to execute the job. docker, linux - docker
additional-script-begin (Optional) Add additional script at the beginning of the script. echo "Start" ''
additional-script-end (Optional) Add additional script at the end of the script. echo "End" ''
Default rules-config
- if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME != 'release'
- if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == 'release'
  • Stage: $[[ inputs.stage ]]
  • Rules: $[[ inputs.rules-config ]]
  • Image: $[[ inputs.image-config | expand_vars ]]
  • Tags: $[[ inputs.tags-config ]]


  • Reports:
    • Dotenv: build.env

Component: build:site:test:backend

This job is responsible for setting up the backend for testing during the build stage.


Input Description Example Default Value
stage (Optional) The stage in the CI/CD pipeline where this job will run. test build
rules-config (Optional) Configuration rules that determine when the job should run. See below for default rules - if: $CI_DEPLOY_FREEZE == null && $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null && $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE != "schedule"
- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"
when: never
image-config (Optional) The Docker image to use for the job. This should use semantic versioning. registry.example.com/php/7.4/ci:latest registry.moselwal.io/devops/images/php/$PHP_VERSION/ci:latest
tags-config (Optional) Tags used to select specific runners to execute the job. docker, linux - docker
additional-script-begin (Optional) Add additional Script at the beginning of the Script. composer update ''
additional-script-end (Optional) Add additional Script at the end of the Script. rm -rf .composer ''
Default rules-config
- if: $CI_DEPLOY_FREEZE == null && $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null && $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE != "schedule"
- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"
  when: never
  • Stage: $[[ inputs.stage ]]
  • Needs: ["build:prepare"]
  • Rules: $[[ inputs.rules-config ]]
  • Image: $[[ inputs.image-config | expand_vars ]]
  • Tags: $[[ inputs.tags-config ]]




  • Untracked: true
  • Paths:
    • ./*
  • Exclude:
    • ./*.ssh-agent
  • When: always
  • Expire In: 30 minutes


Please read about CI/CD components and best practices at: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/components
We welcome contributions to improve the Moselwal Digitalagentur Build Tools. Please read our Contributions Doucmentation


For support, please contact Moselwal Digitalagentur GmbH.