
How to measure the success of Instagram TV product

Primary LanguagePython

Measuring the Success of Instagram TV Product BASED ON METRICS

Week 1 Project


  1. Data Collection and Preparation. - We can perform web scraping or record data as it is generated.
  2. Exploratory Data Analysis. - We can use Data Statisytics to derive insights.
  3. Data Visualization. - We can use graphs and charts to visualize the info.


  1. import libraries

        import pandas as pd
        import pandasql    # let's us use pandas and sql together.
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  2. Read File. - Read the file

    file = read_excel('data.xlsx')
  3. Load and Explore the Data Set

    1. Get the info
    2. Print values
      file.head(25)   # prints first 25 values.
      file.tail()          # prints last rows.
    3. Histogram
          plt.figure(figsize=(10, 12))
          file[column].plot(kind='hist', bins=10, color='skyblue', edgecolor='black')
  4. Show Histogram

    1. Set labels and title
          plt.title('Instagram Success')
    2. Show the histogram