
A Django application inspired by Awwards that will allow a user to post a project he/she has created and get it reviewed by his/her peers.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT



A django application inspired by Awwards that will allow a user to post a project he/she has created and get it reviewed by his/her peers.


Moses Gakuhi Oct-23-21 -

Project setup instructions

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development.


Github account
Python Language
Django framework
Django RestFramework


When you create a repository on GitHub, it exists as a remote repository. You can clone your repository to create a local copy on your computer and sync between the two locations. Here is a series of steps on how to set up the project on your local machine.

Click A-awards to navigate on the main page of the project repository on Github.

Clone the repository using HTTPS, click "Clone with HTTPS".
Open Terminal. Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory.
Type git clone https://github.com/MosesGakuhi1857/Awards.git  and press Enter to create your local clone.

Open A-awards, the cloned Repo in terminal and run : pip install -r requirements.txt to install the app dependencies

Run source virtual/bin/activate to activate the virtual environment and python manage.py runserver to launch the app

Technologies Used

  • Python Django Framework
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap
  • CSS
  • PostgreSQL

Live link

Live link: A-awards live link

Support and contact details

For any remarks,questions or advise feel free to contact me:

Email: kingorimoses386@gmail.com


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details