


At Tech-assistant we present our clients with qualified & skilled personnel for quality services.

Link to live site on GitHub Pages


  • Clone this repo to your desktop
  • run this in your terminal "git remove set-url" if you wish to have it into your repository
  • create a directory for this project
  • run "atom ." in you terminal

Known Bugs

No known bugs.

Behavior driven devlopment (BDD)

Intention Action Behaviour
home click navigates to home
technicians click navigates to technicians
reviews click navigates to reviews
About us click navigates to About us
hire click navigates to technicians
technician's reviews carousel/hover reveals reviews
hire this technician key in reveals form
send click submits form
more reviews click reveals more reviews
social media click navigates link
  • Hovering over the navigation options zooms out.
  • Hovering over technician's reviews stops carousel.
  • A form for Name, issue, location & phone number inputs.
  • A send button.
  • An alert pops up after submition
  • Hovering over social media footer changes color to white.

Technologies Used

  • Used HTML to create forms.
  • Used bootstrap and a custom css stylesheet for styling.
  • JavaScript for functionality
  • JQuery for animations and styling.

Support and contact details

For feedback contact me through;


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. Copyright (c) 2021 Tech-assistant