"Gaviti" Exam/Task

This is my code for the task. it uses Flask, PyMongo and Celery to serve 2 endpoints:

  • POST /search => allows to search for records in a local MongoDB by 2 fields, 'startDate' and 'endDate'. the results of the query are saved locally and the response is a link to download the local file with the results.
  • GET /download/ => get specific file by the filename (excluding file format). response is the content of file.


You would need Python 3.X installed on your computer to use this.


Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/Moshe-Malka/gaviti-task.git

Use the package manager pip to install the requirements.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Download and install MongoDB you can create dummy data using Mockaroo and then import that data to MongoDB using the command:

mongoimport --db <name_of_your_db> --collection <name_of_your_collection> --drop --file <json_file_path>

NOTE: make sure the data has a field called "timestamp" and it contains a unix timetampe integer (long).


Download and install Redis


  1. run the mongodb service: Mac: brew services start mongodb Windows: mongod

  2. run the redis service: Mac: redis-server Windows: redis-server.exe

3)run the flask app: python3 main.app

you can test it using cUrl or postman.