MapReduce Project: Top 5 Most Played Songs


This code illustrates the MapReduce concept by analyzing 15 log files containing song names. The objective is to count the 5 most played songs based on user interactions, where each "play song" click generates a log record.

The architecture simplifies MapReduce details, requiring users only to provide a delegate function. This reduces the interaction overhead with Map, Shuffle, and Reduce classes.

Directory Overview

  • Delegate: Contains delegate function definitions for Map, Shuffle, and Reduce.
  • FileSystemService: Manages interactions with the machine's file system.
  • Logger: A basic logger for debugging or understanding code execution flow.
  • Logs: 15 log files recording played songs.
  • Mapper: The Mapper class.
  • MapReduceManager: Executes the MapReduce concept in parallel.
  • Reducer: The Reducer class.
  • Shuffler: The Shuffler class.

Project Objective

The goal is to count the 5 most played songs from the log files located in the Logs directory. Each log file contains a list of played songs. The task involves counting the occurrences of each song and returning the top 5 most played songs.

Mapper Class

Responsible for reading log files in parallel, creating a list of song names with occurrence counts (each song treated as unique, even if duplicated), and handling data writing to the file system.

Shuffler Class

Aggregates data from the Mapper, combining song names, and writes the result to the file system.

Reducer Class

Reads aggregated data from the file system, counts occurrences of each song, and handles data writing to the file system.

Combiner Function

Aggregates data from Reducers to produce the final result: a list of key-value pairs showing song names and counts. This list is then sorted, and the top 5 most played songs are displayed on the console.