
C++ virtual machine version of nori.io

Primary LanguageC++

C++ virtual machine version of nori.io

Mostly made to practice making a virtual machine.

There are no stability guarentees about the bytecode format.


Compile a file to bytecode

nori build <file.nori>

Outputs into file.nr

Run a bytecode file

nori run <file.nr>

Compile and run (no output file)

Useful if you just want to experiment

nori exec
nori exec <file.nori>

If you don't pass a file to the command, it will read from standard input.


A fuller description of syntax and other things are available at nori.io and the wiki.

Command Status Description
> Push the value next to it
< Pop the last value
N Push the numeric user input
I Push the user input
, Push the user input as an ASCII value
O Output the last value to the console then pop it
. Output the last ASCII value to the console then pop it
@ Swap the last two values
$ Reverse the whole stack
: Duplicate the top value
+ Add last two values together, leaving only the result
- Subtract last two values together, leaving only the result
* Multiply last two values together, leaving only the result
/ Divide last two values together, leaving only the result
^ Raise last two values together, leaving only the result
z Square root the last value, leaving only the result
% Modulo last two values together, leaving only the result
c Ceil the last number
f Floor the last number
r Push a random number
b Push a random bit (either 0 or 1)
B Push a random byte
W Set the IP position to 0 (wrap around the program)
[ Jump to matching ] if the top of the stack is zero
] Jump to matching [ if the top of the stack is non-zero