
GDSC Solution Challenge submission

Eco Waste is a platform built to build community participation in proper waste disposal and recycling. User's get access to report uncleared dump site within their environs and easily recycle items by posting on EcoWaste, making it accesseible to recycling companies to come pick up the items

Video Submission

Checkout our submission video below

Project Info

The project contains two folder:


App folder: contains the source code for the user app, Eco_web: contains the source code for web app for waste companies,

Content in each foolder follows the sturcture below



  • The mobile and web platform was built with Flutter. Due to flutter cross-platform capabilities, we could target both android and ios with our single code base

  • For the backend, we relied on Firebase, as it was easier to integrate with the flutter app

  • For authentication we use Firebase_Auth to sign up user with with their email and a password.

  • We leverage on firebase cloud for storing of waste captured images.

  • For storing data including user data, commiunity watch post recycling post etc. we chose Cloud Firestore because of its robust features and ability to query & filter out documents with ease.


Clone the repository
git clone
Move to the desired folder
cd \eco_waste
Open up either the app or web project course code
cd \app
cd \eco_web
To run the app, simply write
flutter run


Proper waste disposal is every essential to our environment. Hence the idea to build a solution that will help foster participation in safety of all

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