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Implement CLI tool that will encode and decode a text by Caesar cipher.
CLI tool accept 4 options (short alias and full name):
- -s, --shift: a shift
- -i, --input: an input file
- -o, --output: an output file
- -a, --action: an action encode/decode
Options description:
$ node my_caesar_cli --help
Usage example:
$ node my_caesar_cli -a encode -s 7 -i "./input.txt" -o "./output.txt"
$ node my_caesar_cli --action encode --shift 7 --input input.txt --output output.txt
$ node my_caesar_cli --action decode --shift 7 --input input.txt --output output.txt
Text inside input file:
This is secret. Message about "_" symbol!
Text inside output file(after encode):
Aopz pz zljyla. Tlzzhnl hivba "_" zftivs!