
CraftCMS Live Preview plugin. Quickly find and highlight your matrix block by clicking on a Preview Block and scrolling to the corresponding Editor Block.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Click Preview Block -> Scroll to Editor Block

🟦 Editor Blocks on Left - 🟨 Preview Blocks on Right


This plugin requires Craft CMS 4 or later.


To install the plugin, follow these instructions.

  1. Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:

     cd /path/to/project
  2. Then tell Composer to load the plugin:

     composer require nicholashamilton/craft-preview-mate
  3. In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for PreviewMate.



return [
    "matrixFields" => [
            "handle" => "pageBuilder",
            "excludedBlocks" => [
            "handle" => "ctaBlocks",

Template Configuration

Each block/ element rendered from a Matrix Field needs either of the two tags in order to work with Live Preview click and scroll.
excludedBlocks will be ignored and do not need preview-block tag.
{# option 1 #}
{{ craft.previewMate.previewBlock("replaceWithMatrixFieldHandleHere") }}
{# option 2 #}
Twig example with a Matrix Field
{% set matrixHandle = "pageBuilder" %}
{% set blocks = entry[matrixHandle].all() %}

{% for block in blocks %}
    <div {{ craft.previewMate.previewBlock(matrixHandle) }}>
        {{ include("_blocks/" ~ block.type.handle|kebab) }}
{% endfor %}
Optional: CSS for Dashed Border when hovering Preview Blocks
[preview-block] {
    position: relative;
[preview-block]::after {
    content: "";
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    border: 1px dashed rgba(0, 0, 0, .333);
    pointer-events: none;
    opacity: 0;
    transition: opacity 300ms ease;
[preview-block].is-hovering::after {
    opacity: 1;


- PreviewMate has only been tested with Server Side Rendered Matrix Blocks
- Nesting preview-blocks is not supported currently, use excludedBlocks to disable blocks