
A voting system written with C++.

Primary LanguageC++

Voting System

A voting system written with C++.



  1. Introduction
  2. System Analysis
  3. Use Case Diagram
  4. Source Code Breakdown
  5. Flow Chart
  6. The Source Code
  7. The Proposed System:

    The proposed system is to produce a voting system that enables aspirants and voters to have a secure, non-biased and transparent means of registering and voting.

    How The Program Should Work:

    The program is to allow all Aspirants to register under the authentication of the Electoral officials.

    The program then allows the voters to register on the system also with authentication from the Electoral officials but before the voters are allowed to register, the system checks if they are at least 18 years old. If all criteria are met, the voter is given a unique ID to vote.

    The program allows all qualified voters to vote by requesting for the unique ID given to them during registration. The unique ID is checked for its validity before allowing the voters to cast their vote.

    The votes are recorded and stored. The program is ended by the Electoral official by inputting the correct password. If the password is right, the result is displayed and the winner is declared. If there is a tie, the system declares a tie.

    The Actors of the system:

    There are two set of actors in this system

    1. The Primary Actor(s): These are the individuals who us the system to achieve a goal. In this case, the primary actors are the Voters and the Aspirants.
    2. The Secondary Actor(s): These are the individuals that assist the system in archiving user goals. In this program, the secondary actors are the Voting Officials.

    The User Requirements:

    The Voters

    1. The voters shall be able to register.
    2. The voters shall be given a unique ID.
    3. The voters shall be able to vote for the aspirant of their choice.
    4. The voters shall be able to view the election result after the election has ended.

    The Aspirants

    1. The aspirants shall be able to register.
    2. The aspirants shall be able to be voted for.
    3. The aspirants shall be able to vote.
    4. The aspirants shall be able to view the election result after the election has ended.

    The Voting Officials

    1. The voting officials shall be able to start the voting process.
    2. The voting officials shall be able to oversee the voting process.
    3. The voting officials shall be able to end the voting process.
    4. The voting officials shall be able to view the election result after the election has ended.

    The System Requirements

    1. The system shall be able to register 25 aspirants and their various parties.
    2. The system shall be able to register 1000 voters.
    3. The system shall have a maximum response time of five (5) seconds.
    4. The system shall be able to generate unique ID numbers for all registered voters.
    5. The system shall be able to run for a minimum of 24 hours without failure.
    6. The system shall be able to detect a tie.
    7. The system shall be able to stop a voter from voting twice
    8. The system shall be able to allow all aspirants to register at once
    9. The system shall be able to identify the winner of the election




    Flow chart image 1 Flow chart image 2 Flow chart image 3 Flow chart image 4



    Libraries Used:

    1. #include

    2. #include

    3. #include

    Functions created:

    1. bool check(int num){ int track = num; int count = 0; while(track > 0){ track = track/10; count++; //to check number of times Num can be divided by 10 and the number of times is 6 which presents 6 digits } num = num % 10000;//to get the last 4 digits of 6 numbers 4 zeros bool good = ( ((num%4==0)&&(num%400==0||num%100!=0)) && (count == 6) ); // first verification is to see if the number is divisible by (4) and then (400) and not (100) // second verification then checks if the digits is (6) return (good)? true : false;//if all Requirements are met then the number is valid return true else false }

    2. bool linearSearch(int regNum, int store[], int size){ for(int i = 0; i<size; i++) if(store[i] == regNum){return true;} return false; /checks the array storing the values of the valid regNumbers if regNum is in the array it return true else it rerurn false/ }

    3. int winChecker(int[], int); int max = 0,index = 0; for(int i = 0; i<len; i++){//check the particular index who has the highest value and return the index as the winner if(numTimesPicked[i] > max){ max = numTimesPicked[i]; index = i; } } return index+1; }

    4. int regGiver(){ srand(time(0));//gets the time int validNum; for(int i = 1; i<15; i++){ int num = (rand()%10000)+(i*10000);//generates the random number if( check(num) )//passes the number to the function check and sees if the number is valid validNum = num; } return validNum; }

    5. bool tieFinder(int array[], int size){ for(int i = 0; i<size; i++){ for(int j = i+1; j<size; j++) if(array[i] == array[j] && array[i] != 0 && array[j] != 0){return true;} } //using nested loop it checks if a particular value other than 0 repeats itself that means there is a tie return true return false; }

    Arrays created:

    1. int storeRegNumber[15];

    2. numTimesPicked[20];

    3. string party[25];

    4. string name[25];

    Arithmetic Operation created:

    1. int lenPicked = sizeof(numTimesPicked)/sizeof(numTimesPickes[0]);

    Control Structure: Selection;

    1. if else statement. Iteration;
    2. for loop
    3. while loop


    #include #include //to import the timne library for the random number generartor #include //to import the random numnber generator RAND #include using namespace std;

    bool check(int);//to check if the regnumber fits the requirement bool linearSearch(int,int [],int);//to search the given array for stored regNumber and see if the number is present int winnerChecker(int[],int);//checks the array and sees the voter who has the highest number of voted and returns the index int regGiver();//this gives the user a random regnumber using the ctime and cstdlib library bool tieFinder(int[],int);//this finds if there are any ties within the loop if any number re occurs

    int main(){ int storeRegNumber[1000];//to store the valid regnumber int numTimesPicked[1000] = {0};//to store the number of votes each person has int lenPicked = sizeof(numTimesPicked)/sizeof(numTimesPicked[0]); int regNumber, input, pass = 0, index = 0,adminPin = 1234; string party[1000] = {""};//parties string name[1000] = {" "};//names int arraySize = 1; cout<<"\n--------------------------------------------\n"; cout<<"\n\tVOTING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM\n"; cout<<"\n--------------------------------------------\n"; cout<<"\n--------------------------------------------\n"; cout<<"\t\tWELCOME TO\n"; cout<<"SOPE'S VOTING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM"; cout<<"\n--------------------------------------------\n"; bool end = false;//boolean set as false for the program to run while its not end i.e true while(!end){ cout<<"\n-----------------------------------------------"; cout<<"\n\n[1]REGISTER PARTY\n[2]GET REGISTRATION NUMBER\n[3]TO VOTE\n[4]END VOTING PROCESS AND VIEW RESULTS\n\n"; cout<<"-----------------------------------------------\n"; cout<<"-----\nINPUT OPTION NUMBER - "; cin>>input; switch(input){ //REGISTER PARTY case 1:{ int pin; cout<<"\nF O R A D M I N S\n"; cout<<"\n------------------\n|INPUT ADMIN-PIN|\n------------------\n"; cout<<"- --"<<endl; cin>>pin; cout<<"- --"<<endl; cout<<"VALID PIN\n\n"; if(pin == adminPin){//value of adminPin set as 1234 cout<<"NUMBER OF NEW PARTIES - "; cin>>pass; for(int i = arraySize; i<pass+arraySize; i++){ cout<<"\n["<<i<<"]"<<endl; cout<<"NAME OF NEW PARTY:"; cin>>party[i]; cout<<"NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE:"; cin>>name[i]; } cout<<"\nSUCCESFULLY ADDED"; } else cout<<"WRONG PIN"; break; } case 2:{ //GET REGISTRATION NUMBER int age; string name; cout<<"\n-----------\n|INPUT AGE|\n-----------\n"; cin>>age; if(age>=18){ cout<<"\nVALID AGE LEGIBLE TO VOTE\n"; cout<<"WHAT IS YOUR NAME: "; cin>>name; cout<<"MR/MRS."<<name<<"\n-----------------------\n|THIS IS YOUR REG-NUMBER|\n-----------------------\n"<<regGiver(); //calls the regGiver function which gives the participant a random regNumber } else cout<<"TO YOUNG CANT BE GIVEN REG-NUMBER"; break; } case 3:{ //TO VOTE cout<<"\n------------------\n|INPUT REG-NUMBER|\n------------------\n"; cout<<"- - - -"<<endl; cin>>regNumber; cout<<"- - - - "<<endl; int sizeStore = sizeof(storeRegNumber)/sizeof(storeRegNumber[0]); bool validRegNumber = check ( regNumber ); //checks the number input by the user and passes it to the function which checks if it is a valid reg number bool hasVoted = linearSearch(regNumber,storeRegNumber,sizeStore); //checks if the user has voted by checking is the current reg number put by the user is in array if(hasVoted) cout<<"PARTICIPANT: "<<"""<<regNumber<<"""<<" You Have Already Voted Dont Try It Again";//if true cant vote again

          else if( validRegNumber ){
          storeRegNumber[index] = regNumber; //stores the valid regNumber in the array
            int select;
            if(arraySize+pass<2) {
                cout << "NO PARTIES HAVE BEEN REGISTERED";//to see if any parties have been registred
            for(int i = 1; i<arraySize+pass; i++){//to write all the participants name
               if(i % 2==0)
               cout<<"["<<i<<"]."<<name[i]<<" "<<party[i]<<endl;
               cout<<"["<<i<<"]."<<name[i]<<" "<<party[i]<<"\t\t";

    } cout<<"\n\nVOTE- "; cin>>select; if(select > 0 && select < arraySize+pass){//makes sure input is valid numTimesPicked[select - 1] += 1; //number of Votes increases by +1 depending on the number of times person is voted for by adding one at the index @numTimes cout<<"\n------------------\n PARTICIPANT|\n------------------\n"; cout<<regNumber<<"\nVOTED FOR\n++++++++++++++++++\n"; cout<<"NAME:"<<name[select]<<"\nPARTY:"<<party[select]<<"\n------------------\n|T H A N K Y O U|\n------------------\n"; } else cout<<"VOTE FOR A VALID CANDIDATE"; } else cout<<"\n... ERROR INVALID REG-NUMBER\n"; break; } case 4:{ //END PROCESS end = true;//end becomes true to end the while loop int pin; cout<<"\nF O R A D M I N S\n"; cout<<"\n-----------------\nINPUT ADMIN-PIN |\nTO END PROCESS |\nAND VIEW RESULTS|\n-----------------\n"; cout<<"- --"<<endl; cin>>pin; cout<<"- --"<<endl; if( pin == adminPin ){ cout<<"CORRECT PIN\n"; int sum = 0; bool foundTies = tieFinder(numTimesPicked,lenPicked);//function returns true if a number repaest itself int winner = winnerChecker(numTimesPicked,lenPicked);//function returns the value with the highest votes for(int i:numTimesPicked)//for in range loop to check the total number of votes assigns the value to sum sum = sum+i; if(sum > 0){//if sum > 0 means someone has voted cout<<"\n-------\t------\t------------------"; cout<<"\n|PARTY|\t|NAME|\t|NUMBER OF VOTES|\n"; cout<<"-------\t------\t------------------\n"; for(int i = 0; i < arraySize+pass; i++)// cout<<party[i+1]<<"\t"<<name[i+1]<<"\t\t"<<numTimesPicked[i]<<endl;//to print parties and representatives cout<<"\n------------------\nT H E W I N N E R|\n------------------\n"<<name[winner]<<endl;//shows winner cout<<"\n----------------------\nTOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES|\n----------------------\n"<<sum;//shows total num of votes cout<<"\n------------------\nT I E S\n------------------\n";//shows if there were ties if(foundTies) cout<<"THERE WERE TIES"<<endl; else cout<<"THERE WERE NO TIES"<<endl; } else// else no person has voted cout<<"TO SEE RESULTS YOU HAVE TO VOTE FIRST"; break; } else cout<<"WRONG PIN"; } } index++;//keep track of number of times the loop has run and helps in the position of regNum } } bool check(int num){ int track = num; int count = 0; while(track > 0){ track = track/10; count++; //to check number of times Num can be divided by 10 and the number of times is 6 which presents 6 digits } num = num % 10000;//to get the last 4 digits of 6 numbers 4 zeros bool good = ( ((num%4==0)&&(num%400==0||num%100!=0)) && (count == 6) ); // first verification is to see if the number is divisible by (4) and then (400) and not (100) // second verification then checks if the digits is (6) return (good)? true : false;//if all Requirements are met then the number is valid return true else false } bool linearSearch(int regNum,int store[],int size){ for(int i = 0; i<size; i++) if(store[i] == regNum){return true;} return false; /checks the array storing the values of the valid regNumbers if regNum is in the array it return true else it rerurn false/ } int winnerChecker(int numTimesPicked[], int len){ int max = 0,index = 0; for(int i = 0; i<len; i++){//check the particular index who has the highest value and return the index as the winner if(numTimesPicked[i] > max){ max = numTimesPicked[i]; index = i; } } return index+1; } int regGiver(){ srand(time(0));//gets the time int validNum; for(int i = 1; i<15; i++){ int num = (rand()%10000)+(i*10000);//generates the random number if( check(num) )//passes the number to the function check and sees if the number is valid validNum = num; } return validNum; } bool tieFinder(int array[],int size){ for(int i = 0; i<size; i++){ for(int j = i+1; j<size; j++) if(array[i] == array[j] && array[i] != 0 && array[j] != 0){return true;} } //using nested loop it checks if a particular value other than 0 repeats itself that means there is a tie return true return false; }
