
A simple 2D shooter created in pygame.

Primary LanguagePython


//-- This game has been created under the Açı Schools Computer Hardware and Software Club. --//

//-- The code is poorly formatted but works nonetheless the fork by jemboi is much more organized and legibile --//

The software is free to copy and modify and has been compiled into a Windows executable using the py2exe script.

Please make sure to backup before re-compilation if needed.

The vec2d and pygamehelper software was not created by myself and was rather obtained through an anonymous online tutorial.

The game utilizes python 2.7.

The "player" sprites are owned by Nintendo and were modified by Ali Özbüber and Can Ak.

All the sound files are in Microsoft Waveform format due to compatiblity issues with other formats.

Enjoy, Feel free to drop any comments and share if you like.