
My submitted projects on Udacity; Presentations, Python scripts, ipynb Notebooks, Dashboards links ..... etc

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This repo is a container for my projects (Presentations, Python scripts, ipynb Notebooks, Dashboards links ..... etc), submitted on Udacity

Mostafa | LinkedIn Mostafa | Tableau Public Mostafa | Guru Mostafa | PPH Mostafa | Freelancer Mostafa | Slidshare

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Data Analysis Nanodegree (Click to expand or to collapse and to see projects and reviews links)
  • 1st project - Explore US Bikeshare Data A Python script to enable the user to do analysis on one of three data sets
    "The script is neatly written and runs with great computational efficiency. What really stands out is the readability of your code - everything from comments to spacing (this is such an important trait to have as a programmer). It was a pleasure to read through it. Really awesome work!. You’ve worked hard on the project and it clearly shows. Everything runs free of errors. Nicely done! 🌟 You have appropriately used lists and dataframes to carry out the analysis tasks. 🌟 Loops and conditionals are appropriately used to process user input and calculate the statistics. 🌟 You have appropriately used docstrings and comments, and your variable names help understand the kind of data being stored in that variable. 🌟 Raw input is correctly handled including case-sensitivity. No errors are thrown on unexpected inputs. 🌟 Great job calculating all the statistics correctly.......Read full reviews"
  • 2nd project - Wrangle and Analyze Data Gathering data from different three resources, offline file, downloaded file and Twitter API, to extract insights (with one viz at least) after assessing and cleaning tidiness and quality issues; and to get documentation for data wrangling steps, documentation of analysis and insights, jupyter notebook for code of gathering, assessing, cleaning, analyzing, and visualizing data, and the final master data set
    "You have demonstrated a very good python coding skills and understanding of data wrangling process. You also did a fantastic job of incorporating the previous reviewer suggestions.......Read full reviews"
  • 3rd project - Conquer the freelancing marketplaces Creating freelancing profiles and proposals
    "You have done a great job. clapclap. All your profiles are complete and have relevant information about you. Well done!. You have added the relevant skills. πŸ’―πŸ‘ Great job listing the relevant projects you worked before πŸ’―πŸ‘ Great job listing your Steps in bullet points, making your vision clear toward completing the task πŸ’―πŸ‘ ... Read full reviews"
Marketing Analytics Nanodegree (Click to expand or to collapse and to see projects and reviews links)

1st project - Working with Data LinkedIn jobs skills Tableau dashboard insights

"This is an excellent submission! You presented three very interesting insights and backed them up with some robust analysis. Great job adding a descriptive heading for each insight. You drew some good, air-tight conclusions from your analysis. You also presented ample data, facts and other information from the dashboard to back your findings. Terrific! :) Your screenshots appropriately illustrate the written part of your response. Excellent! Insights where very well presented and displayed properly. You really did a great job. You have precisely described each of insight reported. Usually it comes to answer to good questions. Your job made that happen. Congratulations for the great job done .......Read full reviews"

2nd project - Analyze Survey Data Udacity survey insights

"Great work on this fine submission! We are waiting for your next submission ......Read full review"

3rd project - Storytelling with Data Sales marketing insights for an actual UK-based and registered non-store online retail

"This was a brilliant submission. The work was exceptional! You did a great job and should be proud of yourself. After reviewing this submission, I am impressed and satisfied with the effort and understanding put in to make this project a success. All the requirements have been met successfully πŸ’―%. Great work on providing clear labeling for each of your charts. Nice use of color combination and font is good everywhere. ......Read full review"

4th project - Build Data Dashboards YouTube Video Categories Statistics Tableau Dashboard

"Kudos, Well done coming up with your insights, they are simple yet very informative. You did follow a lot of recommended guidelines and polished your work before submission. Well done formatting your insights in short points to add some structure to your insights. Rather than having to scan through the whole text for particular info, any interested reader can easily focus on a particular section of each insight you uncovered. I like the way you made use of on-screen space. Your filters help readers answer further questions. Your visuals were appropriate for each particular use case. Well done.......Read full review"

"All screenshots are annotated to enhance understanding. Part 3 is especially well done with detailed notes to explain the trends for each segment. Keep it up.......Read full review"

"Your screenshot clearly shows all three views created in the same property. Your screenshot clearly shows all the steps to create the filter. All the charts and insights are quite good. Well done. ......Read full review"

7th project - Crafting an Analytic Brief Analytic Brief for Udacity School of Business

"Congratulations on finishing the project πŸŽ‰ This was a brilliant submission. The work was exceptional! You did a great job and should be proud of yourself. After reviewing this submission, I am impressed and satisfied with the effort and understanding put in to make this project a success. All the requirements have been met successfully 100%. Nice, you have correctly answered relevant actionable segments that exists. Great work providing excellent detailed answers to all the questions. You have nicely provided a purchase process flow and identified the avenues for the funnel. Great work!!.....Read full review"

8th project - Create a Proposal for the Next Quarter Evaluating the performance of the Black Friday sales for 2017 & 2018

"Congratulations on passing this submission . This is an impressive submission with detailed notes, clear visuals and neat presentation. Good job. The bar chart and table are great for representing the sales and ad spend data for 2017 and 2018. They are ideal for representing diΓ erent groups of data and changes over time. Good job presenting the ROI on paid channels and the CPA per age group. Supporting texts have been included to give context to the analyses and to answer the marketing questions. All Sales information has been presented in the appropriate visuals. Short notes have also been included to report on the total revenue and average sales order for each year. Good job choosing the right metrics to determine the popularity of each product category; the number of orders. ......Read full reviews"