
A playground to illustrate the use of Jenkins in CI/CD

Primary LanguageDockerfile


A playground to illustrate the use of Jenkins in CI/CD

To Create & Run the Docker Container

  1. Create the package.json file.
  2. Run npm install to generate package-lock.json file.
  3. Create a server.js file that defines the web app using the Express.js framework.
  4. Build the image: docker build . -t docker_web
  5. Run the image: docker run -p 8080:8080 -d docker_web
  6. Get the container ID using the docker ps command.
  7. Print the output: docker logs <container id>
  8. Enter the Container: docker exec -it <container id> /bin/bash
  9. Try testing from outside: curl -i localhost:8080

To Run Jenkins Inside a New Container

  1. Run: docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -d -v jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home jenkins/jenkins:lts
  2. Get the password: docker ps -> ddocker logs <container id> -> get the password.
  3. Go to localhost:8080.
  4. Choose recommended packages.
  5. Create a profile with a username and password.
  6. Start using jenkins!

Connect To a Private Repository Using SSH

  1. Go to ssh directory: cd ~/.ssh
  2. Generate a key: ssh-keygen -o -t rsa
  3. When you type ls you should find: id_rsa and id_rsa.pub.
  4. Show and copy the contents of the public key: cat id_rsa.pub
  5. Go to the repo on github.
  6. Open settings -> Deploy Keys.
  7. Add the key and give it a name.
  8. Open Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Manage Credentials.
  9. Click global -> Add Credentials.
  10. Fill: Kind = SSH, ID = any name, Description = any, Username = doesn't matter.
  11. Private Key -> Enter Key -> Add the whole name (Even the start and the end comments).
  12. Start a new pipeline.
  13. Source = (from Github repo -> Code -> SSH).
  14. Build the Repo!

To Use Docker in Jenkins:

  1. Install the following plugins:
  2. Use agent { dockerfile true } in the Jenkinsfile.