
Project overview:

This project was completed as part of Udacity's Data Analyst Nanodegree certification. This data set contains information about 10,000 movies collected from The Movie Database (TMDb), The main target was answering on “Which genres are most popular from year to year?”. We investigate the dataset to have the ability to answer the following questions:

  • Which genres are most popular from year to year?
  • What is the destribution of genres?
  • What is the most earnings movie of each year?
  • what is the most earnings year in termes of 2010 dollars?
  • Does movies with high earnings have high popularity?
  • Does movies with high earnings have high score?
  • Which month have high earnings movie?

The original problem description and data set can be found here:


  • The most month has release movies in is september
  • The most day has release movies in is day one
  • Most used genres is Drama with 4761
  • Least used genres is Western with 165
  • Star Wars at 1977 is the most earnings movie in in termes of 2010 dollars.
  • popularity doesn't make big change for earnings
  • scoring aslo doesn't really affect much to earnings
  • The month with the highest earnings is June.