
Packages that needs to be installed on each caro agent

Primary LanguageC++


Packages that needs to be installed on each agent


  • rosbridge_suite is a ROS meta-package including all the rosbridge packages. Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs

  • tf2_web_republisher used to throttle and precompute tf transform information to be sent to via the rosbridge_suite to a ros3djs web client.

###Checkout: clone using the recursive parameter to get all submodules.Then, Navigate to Rosbridge and checkout 'fuerte-devel' branch

git clone https://github.com/MostafaGomaa/Caro-webviz-server --recursive
cd YOUR_PATH/Caro-webviz-server/rosbridge_suite
git checkout fuerte-devel

Change the line 33 in ../rosbridge_suite/rosbridge_library/src/rosbridge_library/internal/pngcompression.py to (from PIL import image).


  • Add your directory that contains the packages as a $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH in the .bashrc
export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=(~/YOUR_caro-webviz-server_DIR):$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
  • Navigate to the package directory and rosmake each of the packages (here it is ~/Caro-webviz-server)
cd ~/Caro-webviz-server/rosbridge_suite

cd ~/Caro-webviz-server/tf2_web_republisher

Run the server:

####----Case 1: Each agent is running on separatly:

  • simplly run an instances of the rosbridege_server and a tf2_web_republisher on each separate agent. Rosbridge_server will launch on port 9090 by default.
rosrun rosbridge_server rosbridge.py
  • Open a new terminal, Run the tf2_web_republisher.
rosrun tf2_web_republisher tf2_web_republisher

####----Case 2: All agent running on the same PC:

  • Here we run three instances of the rosbridege_server, and a tf2_web_republisher for each. Each rosbridge instance will communicate to a different RosCore that belongs to one of the agents. We will launch each rosbridge_server instance on a different port to enable the client to make the distinction between the three instances.

simply run the script [launch_servers.bash] (launch_servers.bash)