Welocme to book street artist app
-> to access the live demo visit -https://street-artists.herokuapp.com
from the side par menu you will found 3 section --> Artists -: which you can list or add or edit or deletet the artist
--> Locations -: you have to add some locations first to link it with the artist on create
--> Tags -: which many to many relation with the artist and thats means we may find an artist with many tags , also the only tag may be assign to many artists
The home screen is the main page which you can search to find your favorite artist
When I am in the admin page, I want to be able to create artists or edit them, so that I can fill up our artist database
When I am in the search page, I want to have a textfield input and a search button, so that I can search for artists
When I input text and click search, I want to see a list of artists, so that I can click them and see details of the ones I like the most
When I start writing in the search textfield, I want to see a suggestion of words list, so that I can have better ideas of what to type.
When there are more than 10 artists, I want to see pagination so that I don’t load all of them if we have 10,000 artists.
When I click search, I want to see the artists without reloading the website, so that I can have a better UX experience.