
Frontend-Assessment-Backend, designed using Strapi, a leading open-source headless CMS. It's tailored to manage and deliver structured content for the Frontend Assessment.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Strapi API for Frontend - Assessment


This provides instructions for setting up and using the Strapi API locally for the Frontend Assessment. This API includes the /user-informations endpoint for managing user data.

Setup and Running Strapi API Locally


  • Node.js (Refer to Node.js website for installation)
  • npm (Usually comes with Node.js installation)
  • Strapi (This project requires Strapi to be installed globally)


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/DigiFly-Development/Frontend-Assessment-Backend.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd Frontend-Assessment-Backend
  3. Install Strapi globally (if not already installed):
    npm install strapi -g
  4. Install project dependencies:
    npm install
  5. Start the Strapi server in development mode:
    strapi start

Important Note: If you face an issue while using npm install and receive a network error, you might need to delete the existing node_modules folder and rerun the npm install command.

API Endpoints

/user-informations (GET)

Retrieves a list of user information entries from the database.


GET http://localhost:1337/user-informations

/user-informations (POST)

Submits new user information to the database.

Request Body Format:

  "FirstName": "Test",
  "LastName": "Name",
  "Email": "testmail@email.com",
  "Phone": "501105191001"


POST http://localhost:1337/user-informations

Testing the API

You can test the API using tools like Postman by making HTTP requests to the specified endpoints.