
Path to become a blockchain developer through self-education.

Learning Blockchain

Resources to learn Blockchain Technology and it's applications.

Table of Contents

How to Collaborate

Just send a pull request or open an issue to send more useful links and I'll update the list.


  1. Blockchain Glossary for Beginners
  2. A Comprehensive Collection of Blockchain Related Content
  3. Blockchain 101 - A visual demo
  4. A Practical Introduction to Blockchain with Python
  5. An Introduction to Ethereum

Introductory Courses

  1. Basics of Cryptography from Coursera
  2. Blockchain Fundamentals by Berkeley
  3. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies by Berkeley
  4. Blockchain Fundamentals
  5. Blockchain Theory 101
  6. Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain
  7. Ethereum for Beginners

Advance Courses

  1. Blockchain A-Z™: Learn How To Build Your First Blockchain
  2. Build a Blockchain and a Cryptocurrency from Scratch
  3. Code Your Own Cryptocurrency on Ethereum
  4. Blochain - Principles and Practices
  5. Ethereum : Decentralized Application Design & Development
  6. Blockchain for Business - An Introduction to Hyperledger Technologies


  1. Build Your Own Blockchain: A Python Tutorial
  2. Learn Blockchains by Building One
  3. Blockchain Developers Essentials
  4. Official Ethereum Tutorial
  5. Ethereum Development Walkthrough
  6. Full Stack Hello World Voting Ethereum Dapp Tutorial
  7. Learning Solidity Tutorials on Youtube
  8. Beginners' Guide to Smart Contracts in Solidity
  9. Create Your Own Ethereum Blockchain
  10. Hyperledger Introduction
  11. Build a Game on Ethereum
  12. Blockchain IoT Project
  13. Truffle Official Tutorials

Articles and Blogs

  1. Beginner’s Guide Series on Cryptoassets
  2. Designing a Decentralized Profile dApp
  3. Dangerous Solidity Hacks


  1. Mastering Bitcoin
  2. Solidity Programming Essentials

Frameworks and Libraries

  1. Truffle


  1. Ethereum subReddit
  2. Ethereum/Solidity on Gitter
  3. Ethereum Tutorials on Gitter
  4. Ethereum/Web3.js on Gitter


  1. Unchained
  2. Future Thinkers
  3. Epicenter
  4. The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network
  5. Coin Mastery
  6. Crypto Radio



  1. TED Talk - The Blockchain Explained Simply
  2. TED Talk - The Potential for Blockchain
  3. TED Talk - How the Blockchain will Radically Transform the Economy
  4. TED Talk - How the Blockchain is Changing Money and Business
  5. TED Talk - We've Stopped Trusting Institutions and Started Trusting Strangers
  6. An Intro to Crypto: Building Blocks

More Useful Links