
To Run the App: 1 - create Database and user and give the user permissions: CREATE DATABASE thndr_task CREATE USER thndr_task_user WITH PASSWORD 'aa212f73'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE thndr_task TO thndr_task_user;

2 - pipenv shell (to activate and create the virtual enviroment for python) 3 - pipenv install (to install project's dependencies) 4 - docker-compose up (starts the streaming and the MQTT services) 5 - python runserver (starts the backend application) 6 - python stocks_prices (starts the MQQT events subscriber and reflects the changes from the stream to the Database)

Implementations Notes:

  • Ideally, creating a backend service with the need of a low latency Should Not be implemented by the Django library since the only compatible library with support to low latency connection (MQTT, webscockts etc.) which is the django channel librarry. lacks the documentation and the resources for the MQTT support,a better solution would be to use either the fastapi framework along with the fastapi-mqtt tool for the MQTT integration support.

  • In here for the sake of simplicity I'm using the Django's managment commands to subscripe to the MQTT events

  • all the money values are set as an integer field, however this is not recommended and when using numbers which is used in calculating monetary values, a Decimal Field must be selected.

  • in the Database structure there's no Accounts model, instead... an account is a collection of multiple transactions