
Dating web Application using .Net 7 , Angular , SignalR

Primary LanguageC#

Dating App using Angular 16 and .NET 7


This project is a modern dating application built with Angular 16 for the frontend and .NET 7 for the backend. It incorporates essential features such as clean architecture, identity role management, and real-time chat functionality using SignalR.


  1. Clean Architecture: The application is structured following the principles of clean architecture, promoting separation of concerns and maintainability.

  2. Unit of Work Pattern : this application followed unit Of work Pattern

  3. Identity Role Management: User authentication and authorization are implemented using .NET Identity, allowing for role-based access control and user management.

  4. SignalR Chat: Real-time messaging functionality enables users to engage in seamless conversations with each other, enhancing the interactive experience of the application.

Technologies Used

The project utilizes the following technologies:

  • Frontend: Angular 16
  • Backend: .NET 7
  • Authentication & Authorization: .NET Identity
  • Real-time Communication: SignalR

Getting Started

Follow these steps to set up the project locally:


  • Node.js and npm installed on your machine
  • .NET 7 SDK installed
  • Angular CLI installed globally (npm install -g @angular/cli)


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/Mostafaa021/DatingApp.git
  2. Navigate to the backend directory: cd DatingApp/API
  3. Restore .NET dependencies: dotnet restore
  4. Run the backend server: dotnet run
  5. Navigate to the frontend directory: cd ../client
  6. Install frontend dependencies: npm install
  7. Start the Angular development server: ng serve


Once the project is set up and running, you can access the application through your web browser. Register as a new user or log in with existing credentials to explore the dating platform. Use the chat feature to communicate with other users in real-time.


Contributions to the project are welcome! If you find any bugs or have suggestions for new features, please open an issue or submit a pull request.