
Mostro TUI client

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Mostrui 🧌


This is work in progres

Terminal client for p2p using Mostro protocol.



  1. You need Rust version 1.64 or higher to compile.

Install dependencies:

To compile on Ubuntu/Pop!_OS, please install cargo, then run the following commands:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install -y cmake build-essential pkg-config


$ git clone https://github.com/MostroP2P/mostrui.git
$ cd mostrui


Make sure that you have the following settings in your ~/.mostrui/settings.toml file, you can find an example of the settings file in settings.tpl.toml, so you can copy it and modify it to your needs.

mostro_pubkey = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
relays = ["wss://relay.mostro.network", "wss://nostr.bilthon.dev"]


$ cargo run

Progress Overview

  • Displays order list
  • Settings tab
  • Take orders (Buy & Sell)
  • Posts Orders (Buy & Sell)
  • Direct message with peers (use nip-17)
  • Fiat sent
  • Release
  • Maker cancel pending order
  • Cooperative cancellation
  • Buyer: add new invoice if payment fails
  • Rate users
  • List own orders
  • Dispute flow (users)
  • Dispute management (for admins)
  • Conversation key management
  • Create buy orders with LN address
  • Nip-06 support (identity management)