
Vim plugin for compiling and uploading arduino sketches

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Vim plugin for compiling, uploading, and debugging arduino sketches. It uses arduino-cli when available, and falls back to using the Arduino IDE's commandline interface (new in 1.5.x).


vim-arduino works with Pathogen

cd ~/.vim/bundle/
git clone https://github.com/stevearc/vim-arduino

and vim-plug

Plug 'stevearc/vim-arduino'

Installation instructions for arduino-cli are here: https://arduino.github.io/arduino-cli/latest/installation/

Otherwise (or in addition to), download Arduino IDE (version 1.5 or newer). Linux users make sure the arduino command is in your PATH.


vim-arduino should work with no special configuration on Linux and Mac. I have not tested on Windows, but have heard that it works via WSL. See this issue for discussion.


The docs have detailed information about configuring vim-arduino here.

The main commands you will want to use are:

  • :ArduinoChooseBoard - Select the type of board from a list.
  • :ArduinoChooseProgrammer - Select the programmer from a list.
  • :ArduinoChoosePort - Select the serial port from a list.
  • :ArduinoVerify - Build the sketch.
  • :ArduinoUpload - Build and upload the sketch.
  • :ArduinoSerial - Connect to the board for debugging over a serial port.
  • :ArduinoUploadAndSerial - Build, upload, and connect for debugging.
  • :ArduinoInfo - Display internal information. Useful for debugging issues with vim-arduino.

To make easy use of these, you may want to bind them to a key combination. You can put the following in .vim/ftplugin/arduino.vim:

nnoremap <buffer> <leader>am :ArduinoVerify<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <leader>au :ArduinoUpload<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <leader>ad :ArduinoUploadAndSerial<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <leader>ab :ArduinoChooseBoard<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <leader>ap :ArduinoChooseProgrammer<CR>

If you wish to run these commands in tmux/screen/some other location, you can make use of vim-slime:

let g:arduino_use_slime = 1

Status Line

If you want to add the board type to your status line, it's easy with the following:

" my_file.ino [arduino:avr:uno]
function! MyStatusLine()
  return '%f [' . g:arduino_board . ']'
setl statusline=%!MyStatusLine()

This is my personal configuration (again, inside ftplugin/arduino.vim)

" my_file.ino [arduino:avr:uno] [arduino:usbtinyisp] (/dev/ttyACM0:9600)
function! ArduinoStatusLine()
  let port = arduino#GetPort()
  let line = '[' . g:arduino_board . '] [' . g:arduino_programmer . ']'
  if !empty(port)
    let line = line . ' (' . port . ':' . g:arduino_serial_baud . ')'
  return line
augroup ArduinoStatusLine
  autocmd! * <buffer>
  autocmd BufWinEnter <buffer> setlocal stl=%f\ %h%w%m%r\ %{ArduinoStatusLine()}\ %=\ %(%l,%c%V\ %=\ %P%)
augroup END

Note: if you are using the 'airline' plugin for the status line, you can display this custom status part instead of the filename extension with:

autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.ino let g:airline_section_x='%{MyStatusLine()}'


Everything is under the MIT License except for the wonderful syntax file, which was created by Johannes Hoff and copied from vim.org and is under the Vim License.