
A benchmark for open-set scene graph generation.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Open-Set Scene Graph Generation

This is the implementation of the paper "Towards Open-Set Scene Graph Generation with Unknown Objects" by Sonogashira et al. (IEEE Access, 2022). It is also intended to be a benchmark for the problem of open-set scene graph generation.



  • Python 3.8
  • CUDA 11.2
# clone this repository and build binaries
git clone https://github.com/MotoharuSonogashira/open-set-scene-graph-generation.git

# install dependencies
cd open-set-scene-graph-generation
pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt

# install pycocotools
git clone https://github.com/cocodataset/cocoapi.git
cd cocoapi/PythonAPI
python3 setup.py build_ext install --user
cd ../..

# install apex
git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex.git
cd apex
sed -i 's/^\(\s*\)\(check_cuda_torch_binary_vs_bare_metal\)/\1#\2/' setup.py # workaround for CUDA and PyTorch version mismatch
python3 setup.py install --cuda_ext --cpp_ext --user
cd ..

# build binaries
python3 setup.py build develop --user

At this point, you may continue to follow the Installation and Usage sections of the open-set dataset preprocessor repository MotoharuSonogashira/open-set-scene-graph-dataset in order to prepare the open-set dataset required by this repository. Note that the preprocessing repository must be cloned into the root directory of this repository to perform the visualization described below.


Use the above-mentioned repository to preprocess the Visual Genome dataset and put the following results in the datasets/vg directory:

  • VG_100K: the image data directory. This should be the renamed version of open-set-scene-graph-dataset/data_tools/VG/images directory (which contains decompressed files from split zip files) if you follow the preprocessor's Usage. Note that the intermediate image database file imdb_1024.h5 is not used by this repository.
  • VG-SGG-open.h5 and VG-SGG-dicts-open.json: the preprocessed label database files. These should be in open-set-scene-graph-dataset/data_tools.

To summarize, assuming you have cloned the preprocessing repository into the root of this repository and followed its Installation and Usage sections, do the following:

# go back from the root of the preprocessor repository to that of this repository
cd ..

# move the image data
mv open-set-scene-graph-dataset/data_tools/VG/images datasets/vg/VG_100K

# move the label data
mv open-set-scene-graph-dataset/data_tools/{VG-SGG-open.h5,VG-SGG-dicts-open.json} datasets/vg/


The shell script run.bash wraps Python scripts to train and test different methods of scene graph generation. It stores the training and testing results of each method in a subdirectory under output/open-outer by default. The script can be configured via environmental variables; for example, to each command executing it,

  • Add GPU=4 to use 4 GPUs. By default without this variable, torch.distributed is disabled. Use the standard CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES variable to choose which GPUs are visible to the script.
  • Add VAL=1 to perform validation (which stores results in output/open-inner).

All the following commands are assumed to be executed in the root directory of this repository.

Faster R-CNN Pretraining

Execute the following command before training any methods:

MODEL=faster_rcnn ./run.bash

This is required only once since all the methods share the pretrained model.


Fit a model:

MODEL=vctree ./run.bash
  • Change the MODEL value to freq or imp to use a different model.

All the methods with the same MODEL share the trained weights in testing.


Evaluate a method based on the trained model:

TEST=1 MODEL=vctree THRESHOLD=.1 ./run.bash

which predicts scene graphs of testing images using the trained vctree model and unknown detection with threshold .1 (the method named "VCTree+" in the paper), computes open-set SGDet recall metrics, and saves the results in the result directory named vctree-.1.

  • Change the MODEL value in accordance with the training.
  • Change the THRESHOLD value to use a different threshold. The suffix of the result directory name changes accordingly. In our experiments, the best threshold selected by validation was .1 for vctree and .3 for freq and imp. Alternatively, set it to
    • .0 to use the original method without thresholding-based unknown detection (the method simply named "VCTree" etc. in the paper).
    • The empty string (no value after =) to use the closed-set recall metrics. Then, unknown objects in ground-truth labels are ignored and unknown detection is disabled. The directory name simply becomes vctree etc.
  • Add PROTOCOL=sgcls to use SGCls metrics. The directory name becomes vctree-.1-sgcls etc.



Print recall metrics (SGDet or SGCls) after testing:

utils/recalls.py output/open-outer/vctree-.1

Object and Relationship Counts

Compute and print object and relationship count metrics after testing:

utils/counts.py output/open-outer/vctree-.1

which also creates cache files in the directory, and then the counts can be plotted:

utils/plot_counts.py output/open-outer/vctree-.1

where multiple result directories may be passed to plot them in a single figure.


Note: this depends on the the above-mentioned dataset preprocessing repository and assumes that it is cloned as the directory open-set-scene-graph-dataset under the root directory of this repository.

Visualize the detected objects and relationships after testing:

utils/viz.py -U output/open-outer/vctree-.1

which shows the object detection result and the scene graph in separate windows for each testing image.

  • Remove the -U option to show detections not related to ground-truth unknown objects as well.
  • Use the -O option with a directory name to save the images into the directory instead of showing.


This repository is based on KaihuaTang/Scene-Graph-Benchmark.pytorch, the implementation of the paper "Unbiased Scene Graph Generation from Biased Training" by Tang et al. (CVPR, 2019).


  title={Towards Open-Set Scene Graph Generation with Unknown Objects},
  author={Sonogashira, Motoharu and Iiyama, Masaaki and Kawanishi, Yasutomo},
  journal={IEEE Access},