Exam #2 (Take Home)

This program allows users to search for a TV show, gives them a list, and saves the details of the one they select to a shows sheet in the Excel file. Your assignment is to add to this program so that it also saves all the episodes for the selected show to a sheet called episodes. Make sure that the episodes have some way of showing which show they are for.

What to Do

  1. Download the code from this link.
  2. In the terminal, run pip install -r requirements.txt. This should install the missing packages. If it doesn't work, you can just open the files and tell PyCharm to install the packages.
  3. Add to the code so that it also gets and saves the episodes for each show to a separate sheet called episodes. Make sure that the episodes have some way of showing which show they are for.
  4. Save your code into a ZIP file.
  5. Upload your submission to Omnivox.


Your grade will be divided by the following.

Category Weight Description
Functionality 60% How well does the code work?
Organization 30% Is all the code in the right place?
Documentation 10% Do your comments explain what the code you added does?


  • Each student needs to submit one ZIP file of code they worked on alone.
  • Add comments to your code explaining what it does.
  • Submit before the due date showing on Omnivox.