
Russian language support for NLTK's PunktSentenceTokenizer

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Russian language support for NLTK's PunktSentenceTokenizer

Python 2.7 Python 3x

ru_punkt is a part of nltk_data since 2019-07-04


  1. Install NLTK python package:
pip install nltk
  1. Download punkt data:
import nltk


import nltk

text = "Ай да А.С. Пушкин! Ай да сукин сын!"
print("Before:", nltk.sent_tokenize(text))
print("After:", nltk.sent_tokenize(text, language="russian"))


Before: ['Ай да А.С.', 'Пушкин!', 'Ай да сукин сын!']
After: ['Ай да А.С. Пушкин!', 'Ай да сукин сын!']

Training data

Data for sentence tokenization was taken from 3 sources:
– Articles from Russian Wikipedia (about 1 million sentences);
– Common Russian abbreviations from Russian orthographic dictionary, edited by V. V. Lopatin;
– Generated names initials.

Implementation notes

After some research it was found that the single params.abbrev_types performs better than together with params.collocations and params.ortho_content, so the latter were removed from the trained tokenizer.