
A cloud based character sheet for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


A cloud based character sheet for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Development Requirements

The instructions assume hosting on Heroku. Adjust as necessary for different hosting platforms.

  1. NodeJS
  2. Grunt
  3. Heroku CLI


  1. Install Node, Grunt, and the Heroku Toolbelt
  2. Clone the repository
  3. Create a .env file in the root of the project and fill it the required configuration, as per the example below.
  4. Run npm install && bower install to get all dependencies
  5. Run a development server with heroku local

.env File



The Node webserver is in server/web.js. It will read and use the environment variables from your .env file. It mounts several routes, of which these are of note:

/                 The marketing site
/pathfinder_dev   The development version of the app (from /app)
/pathfinder       The production version of the app (from /dist)

The authentication process uses preconfigured URLs. When development, take care of the URl, as after logging in, you're probably redirect to /pathfinder, even you come from /pathfinder_dev before.

Grunt Tasks & Production

Here are some important and useful grunt tasks.

grunt build   Builds the production version into /dist
grunt gss_pull  Grabs the latest spell spreadsheet from d20pfsrd.com and writes it to `/app/data/spells_raw.json`
grunt prepare_spells  Takes `spells_raw.json` and writes `spells.json` and `spell_names.json` for use by the app


Are welcome! Please send pull requests against the master branch.