
This is the algorithm for both Promethee 1 and 2

Primary LanguagePython


Promethee I and II are decision-making methods used in multi-criteria analysis. They were developed by Brans and Vincke in the 1980s as a way to support decision-making processes that involve multiple criteria or factors.

Promethee I is a method used for ranking alternatives based on their performance across multiple criteria. It involves comparing each alternative to every other alternative and assigning preference values based on pairwise comparisons. These preference values are then aggregated to obtain a ranking of the alternatives.

Promethee II, on the other hand, not only ranks the alternatives but also provides a measure of the difference in preference between them. It takes into account not only the preference values but also the importance or weight assigned to each criterion. Promethee II uses a pairwise comparison matrix to calculate the net flow between alternatives, which represents the overall preference of one alternative over another.

Both Promethee I and II are widely used in decision-making processes, especially in situations where there are multiple criteria to consider and no single best alternative. They provide a systematic and structured approach to decision-making, allowing decision-makers to evaluate and compare alternatives based on their preferences and criteria weights.

In the code you provided, the line # PROMETHEE I && II is written in Markdown format. Markdown is a lightweight markup language commonly used for formatting text in documentation files, such as README files. The # symbol indicates a heading, and the text following it represents the heading title. In this case, the heading is "PROMETHEE I && II".