
AJAX Live Search is a PHP search form that similar to Google Autocomplete feature displays the result as you type.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

AJAX Live Search is a PHP search form that similar to Google Autocomplete feature displays the result as you type.


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Browser Support

IE Chrome Firefox Opera Safari
IE 8+ ✔ Chrome ✔ Firefox ✔ Opera ✔ Safari ✔

How to Install

  1. Copy the folders including ajax, class, css, font, img and js folders to your project.

  2. Open index.php and copy div with the class name ls_container somewhere in your page. Also do not forget to include links to CSS and JavaScript files including style.min.css, fontello.css, animation.css, fontello-ie7.css, script.min.js and jquery-1.11.1.min.js. Also do not forget to copy all the PHP codes from the top of index.php to your project.

  3. config.php that is located in class folder contains all the settings for AJAX Live Search:

    • HOST: Hostname of your database that is usually localhost.
    • DATABASE: Name of your database.
    • USERNAME: The user associated with your database.
    • PASS: Password for the user.
    • USER_TABLE: Name of the table that you want to be searched.
    • SEARCH_COLUMN: Name of the column that you want to be searched.
    • ANTI_BOT: This is used in a security technique to prevent form submissions from those bots that do not use JavaScript. In this technique, a hidden field is populated using jQuery with ANTI_BOT value. You can set it whatever you want, but it MUST be the same as ANTI_BOT value in script.min.js file.
    • SEARCH_START_TIME_OFFSET: This is for another security technique against bots. Some bots immediately submit a form once the page is finished loading. However, for human beings it takes more time to fill a field. By default this parameter is set to 3 seconds.
    • MAX_INPUT_LENGTH: This specifies the maximum length of characters in search field.
  4. script.min.js or script.js that is located in js folder contains all the JavaScript (jQuery) settings and functions for AJAX Live Search. Here you should only be worried about form_anti_bot value and as you know it MUST be the same as ANTI_BOT value in config.php.

  5. process_livesearch.php that is located in ajax folder is responsible for processing requests coming from the search form. Here you just need to set Access-Control-Allow-Originheader.

  6. Enjoy.


MIT License