
🔥开源跨平台轻量级病毒特征检测引擎。Open source cross-platform lightweight virus signature detection engine.👍👍👍

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


开源跨平台轻量级病毒特征检测引擎。Open source cross-platform lightweight virus signature detection engine.


语言 Language

C++ 11


是你们喜欢的:MIT License.


It's what you like:MIT License.

Let's do it!

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QQGroup: 337571436

Email: mountcloud@outlook.com

简介 Introduction


Provide a lightweight feature detection engine, support custom extended feature libraries, and draw engine architecture diagrams when you have time.

特征库编辑器下载地址 Feature Library Editor download



特征说明 Feature Description

hex:hex是以二进制形式进行匹配的二进制数据,允许模糊匹配如:0F ?0 A? ??。

key: The identifier representing this feature.
hex: hex is binary data that is matched in binary form, allowing fuzzy matching such as: 0F ?0 A? ??.
text: The keyword to match in text form.

规则说明 Rules Description

$and:[规则数组] 并运算,只有子规则结果全部为true(通过)时,结果为true(通过),如果有一条子规则结果为false(不通过),则结果为false(不通过)。
$or:[规则数组] 或运算,有一条子规则结果全部为true(通过)时,结果为true(通过),如果全部子规则结果为false(不通过),则结果为false(不通过)。
$not:[规则数组] 非运算,只有子规则结果全部为false(不通过)时,结果为true(通过),如果有一条子规则结果为true(通过),则结果为false(不通过)。意思就是如果$not的子规则是$lt($count(key1),$int(5))=$not(key1出现次数小于5)=不能(key1出现的次数小于5)=key1出现的次数需要大于5

$all:[字符串数组] 表示一组key必须至少全部出现1次。$all(key1,key2)表示key1和key2必须至少都出现一次。
$count:*数字规则*[字符串数组] 表示统计key出现的次数。$count(key1,key2)就是统计key1和key2出现的次数。
$int:*数字规则*[数字类型] 表示一个数字。$int(1)代表数字1

$lt:*比较规则*,小于比较,使用两个*数字规则*进行比较,数字规则1 < 数字规则2,则为true(通过)。
$le:*比较规则*,小于等于比较,使用两个*数字规则*进行比较,数字规则1 <= 数字规则2,则为true(通过)。
$gt:*比较规则*,大于比较,使用两个*数字规则*进行比较,数字规则1 > 数字规则2,则为true(通过)。
$ge:*比较规则*,大于等于比较,使用两个*数字规则*进行比较,数字规则1 >= 数字规则2,则为true(通过)。

$and: [rule array] Parallel operation, only when the sub-rule results are all true (pass), the result is true (pass), if there is a sub-rule result is false (fail), the result is false (fail) .
$or: [rule array] OR operation, when one sub-rule result is all true (pass), the result is true (pass), if all sub-rule results are false (fail), the result is false (fail) .
$not: [rule array] Non-operation, only when the sub-rule results are all false (fail), the result is true (pass), if there is a sub-rule result is true (pass), the result is false (fail) . It means that if the sub-rule of $not is $lt($count(key1), $int(5)) = $not (the number of occurrences of key1 is less than 5) = cannot (the number of occurrences of key1 is less than 5) = the number of occurrences of key1 needs to be greater than 5

$all: [string array] Indicates that a set of keys must all appear at least once. $all(key1,key2) means that both key1 and key2 must appear at least once.
$count: *Number rule*[String array] Indicates the number of times the key appears. $count(key1,key2) is to count the number of occurrences of key1 and key2.
$int: *Number Rule* [Number Type] Represents a number. $int(1) represents the number 1

$lt: *comparison rule*, less than comparison, use two *number rule* for comparison, number rule 1 < number rule 2, true (pass).
$le: *comparison rule*, less than or equal comparison, use two *number rule* for comparison, number rule 1 <= number rule 2, it is true (pass).
$gt: *comparison rule*, greater than comparison, use two *number rule* for comparison, number rule 1 > number rule 2, it is true (pass).
$ge: *comparison rule*, greater than or equal to comparison, use two *number rule* for comparison, number rule 1 >= number rule 2, it is true (pass).

更新日志 Update log


FireDog Version: v1.3.3
FireDog Editor Version: v2.2
Feature Libraray Version: v1.2.1

2:优化yaml组件,让yaml组件支持gcc 4.8版本(centos7默认),增强引擎的跨平台编译能力。

1: Fix the error reporting that the detection result is empty. 
2: Optimize the yaml component, let the yaml component support gcc 4.8 version (centos7 default), and enhance the cross-platform compilation ability of the engine.


FireDog Version: v1.3.1
FireDog Editor Version: v2.1
Feature Libraray Version: v1.2.1


1: Refactor the rule engine to support multiple logical operations, multiple statistical operations, and multiple comparison operations.
2: Refactor the feature library format and use yaml instead of json (json does not look good).
3: Change the feature matching logic to split the byte matching and check matching results.
4: The editor adapts to the new rule engine and signature library format.

v1.3.1 界面GUI

规则配置GUI Rule Configuration GUI


FireDog Version: v1.2.1
FireDog Editor Version: v1.0
Feature Libraray Version: v1.1.0

2:【革命性更新】推出“特征库编辑器 FireDogEditor”,可以使用界面对特征库进行修改,并且进行测试,该编辑器支持国际化。

1: Single resource matching returns a single matching feature instead of returning multiple matching features, so that a single file allows multiple features to be detected.
2: [Revolutionary update] Launched the "feature library editor FireDogEditor", you can use the interface to modify and test the feature library, the editor supports internationalization.

v1.2.1 界面GUI

特征库配置界面 Feature library configuration gui

测试界面 Test gui

设置语言界面 Language setting gui


2:升级hex检测,支持通配符,例如:6D ?? ?5 6? [73-75] [41-5A,61-7A] 6C 6F 75 64

1: Refactor the format of the feature library to make the feature library more reasonable.
2: Upgrade hex detection to support wildcards, for example: 6D ?? ?5 6? [73-75] [41-5A,61-7A] 6C 6F 75 64
3: Add the lightweight rule engine /rule/rule.h, so the signature database supports the use of rules for condition matching, and the syntax is similar to mongodb query.


Support hex, md5, text type detection.

使用 Use

Step 1: download

git clone https://github.com/MountCloud/FireDog.git

Step 2: include

include FireDog

Step 3: Example

look FireDogEditor/matchthread.h and FireDogEditor/matchthread.cpp