
Kinect on ROS-Indigo

  • Installing Drivers

Install Openni_launch drivers to get started, other alternate is freenect drivers. (These are the main two drivers widely used). sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-openni-launch

  • Openni tutorials

To check if kinect is working fine, simply run the openni drivers and go to rviz and set appropriate fields required to view rgb images or depth images. Tutorial to View Raw Images and Depth Images.

  • Troubleshooting

Once openni is launched terminal may show "device not connected", check for devices connected (lsusb) and if kinect is detected then run SensorKinect patch to resolve the issue.

If everything seems to be working fine with no error and still image is not visible ? It might be issue with permissions, (check /etc/usb/...). This usually doesn't happen except in Virtual Machines. It's difficult to get kinect working in virtual machine, otherwise above steps will do for getting kinect to work.

Kinect on ROS-Kinetic

  • Installing Drivers

Install Openni_launch drivers to get started, other alternate is freenect drivers. Try using tab completion, it also shows possible other drivers associated.

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-openni-launch

  • Openni tutorials

To check if kinect is working fine, simply run the openni drivers and go to rviz and set appropriate fields required to view rgb images or depth images. Tutorial to View Raw Images and Depth Images

_Kinect works like a charm on kinetic, no patch is needed.

Point Cloud


The point cloud (.pcl file) is created using rtabmap and visualized in MATLAB.