- 2
Total vs optional/NotRequired
#96 opened by PierreSnell - 1
Only seems to include `APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEvent` type for REST APIs (old), not HTTP APIs (new)
#98 opened by vergenzt - 2
- 1
Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python)
#89 opened by estahn - 1
Release 2.17.1 to pypi
#88 opened by YonatanGreenfeld - 0
- 2
Values that can be null should be Optional
#79 opened by AGiantSquid - 0
- 0
Create `StreamsEventResponse`
#70 opened by ryo-murai - 4
- 0
Create the websocket event type
#68 opened by YonatanGreenfeld - 0
- 3
DynamodbRecord.OldImage shouldn't be optional according to the AWS doc
#60 opened by YonatanGreenfeld - 1
Custom SNS Events via sns:Publish
#53 opened by tekdj7 - 0
AWS Control Tower Lifecycle Event
#52 opened by tekdj7 - 1
#49 opened by danielmitchell - 8
- 0
- 2
New typing-extensions version scheme
#37 opened by pejter - 4
Support for CodeCommit & CloudFormation events
#18 opened by tekdj7 - 2
<2.0.0 builds resolve to 2.0.0 on pypi pulls
#15 opened by crawfobw - 2
Allow import of events and other deeper types
#13 opened by autoferrit - 1
Can't install the package
#6 opened by NiumXp - 3