This is a web project using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The project uses multiple APIs to get all the countries from the selected continent and display the countries' names, flags, capital cities, and the recent weather report of the capital cities.
Login into the application --> You can use the Email: "" Password: "123456" or just fill up the valid form email address string and 6-digit password then Click the "SignUp" button.
Input TextField hint effect
Input TextField hook up with list selector
Input TextField hook up with calendar selector
Dialog event logic and its relative actions
Good Web page layout management and CSS effects
Button hook up with event listener and hint effect
Project uses Firebase for login-in and account creation authentication
Project hook up with Firebase as a real-time response cloud database
I programmed a file helper terminal bash script to generate a test file(s) and rename a series of the file(s) for my development process, therefore I could quickly generate dummy test data files, or rename files to let my projects be more organized. I also add my profile hyperlinks in the bash script, so that you can click the links from the terminal while executing the script to visit my pages if you are interested in me.