
Can't train cellpose using mask

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I have tried to retrain the cellpose 'cyto3' and 'livecell' using tif masks as indicated in the documentation.

0 = black = background
each value between 1-255 corresponds to the mask of a single cell.
(click the link for example files)

When I launch the training set on 230 images the training process runs without error. However, after the training end I use the newly trained model located in the folder, I get worse results.

I must be doing something wrong but I don't know what.

I tried formatting the tif file in 8 and 16 bits.

Here is a preview

The python code I used to train cellpose

import os, shutil, time,sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from cellpose import io, models, train

from urllib.parse import urlparse

import matplotlib as mpl
#%matplotlib inline
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 300

from urllib.parse import urlparse
from cellpose import models, core

use_GPU = core.use_gpu()
print('>>> GPU activated? %d'%use_GPU)


train_dir = "C:/Users/Stagiaire/Desktop/masks_cellpose/cyto3/no_resize/train_dir"
test_dir = "C:/Users/Stagiaire/Desktop/masks_cellpose/cyto3/no_resize/test_dir"
image_filter = ""
output = io.load_train_test_data(train_dir, test_dir, image_filter=image_filter, mask_filter=mask_filter, look_one_level_down=False)
images, labels, image_names, test_images, test_labels, image_names_test = output

# e.g. retrain a Cellpose model
model = models.CellposeModel(gpu=use_GPU, model_type="cyto3")

model_path = train.train_seg(, train_data=images, train_labels=labels, n_epochs = 2000,
                            channels=[1,0], normalize=True,
                            test_data=test_images, test_labels=test_labels)

Thank you for your help

for retraining, you want to use the Cellpose 2 settings, which are provided in the example in the docs:

model_path = train.train_seg(, train_data=images, train_labels=labels,
                            channels=[1,2], normalize=True,
                            test_data=test_images, test_labels=test_labels,
                            weight_decay=1e-4, SGD=True, learning_rate=0.1, # <-- these are the retraining params
                            n_epochs=300, model_name="my_new_model")

We found that SGD usually works best when retraining, and AdamW works better when training from scratch. We will add more documentation on this