
Work on architecture OOP and DAO design pattern

Primary LanguageJava


Work on architecture OOP and DAO design pattern

Context of the project

You are about to create a platform that allows you to manage payment orders, and the Alpha training center is your client,

As part of the architecture and structure of the projects, your manager has defined a repo that contains the basics of the architecture to be followed to get there,

Suddenly, your mission is to clone this Repo and fully understand the existing one, as well as add other functionalities such as placing salary / bource orders, and tracking transactions that go through, and finally updating user accounts,

You can declare the objects in the main class once and for all, or you can create a Helper class to easily take action.

Performance criteria

  • The classes are well structured.
  • the implementation of interfaces - classes / DAO layer is well done.
  • The source code is completed according to the instructions and respects the good practices of Java development.
  • The code should be well organized.