
Flink Users Logins Analyser

Primary LanguageJava

user logins analysers | Flink job

Uses Apache Flink docker image with Kinesalite (and maybe Kafka)

  1. Clone This Repo
  2. Install IntelliJ
  3. Install Docker
  4. Run included Docker Image
  5. Set up local kinesis stream
  6. Modify Code Samples
  7. Run Code Samples

Weekly unique weeklyAnalyser Job

path => src/main/java/goodWorkers/WeeklyAnalyser.java

Weekly unique monthly Analyser Job

path => src/main/java/goodWorkers/MonthlyAnalyser.java

Run the docker image

Once you've installed docker, either from your IntelliJ Terminal or your local machine's terminal, navigate to the git project's root and type the following:

docker-compose up -d

This will start your kinesalite process at the following url: https://localhost:4567

The -d denotes a DAEMON process.

Set up local Kinesis Stream

Execute the following two commands in succession in a terminal to create a local stream called usersFlow and then publish data under the --data field input.

aws kinesis create-stream --endpoint-url https://localhost:4567 --stream-name usersFlow --shard-count 6 --no-verify-ssl
aws kinesis put-record --endpoint-url https://localhost:4567 --stream-name usersFlow --data mytestdata --partition-key 123 --no-verify-ssl

# Monthly   unique  users  analyser Job


Please note: the ssl folder in this repo is a test credential that is required for running kinesalite locally due to how the AWS CLI works.